

Encounter God, Experience Growth Together and Engage in Serving Others.


To see the supernatural power of God transform hearts, homes and communities, unveiling the redemptive and restorative purposes of God in the world.


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Pastors Manuel and Lety Valdez arrived at Centro De Adoración in 1987 to a small church of less than 1o members in Poplar, California. For over 30 years, they have sown their lives into this community and have seen the transformative power of God change the lives of countless people and families. They have a passion for the Word of God, the Presence of God and for serving others, first and foremost, by sharing the gospel of Jesus.



Our Core Values are reflected in everything we do at CDA. Each value contributes to establishing a culture of the Kingdom of God within our ministry that will impact individual lives and communities. These core values are non-negotiables, meaning, programs and procedures in our church may change, but these values are constant and define what we believe God’s heart for our church is. For a complete list of our foundational doctrinal beliefs click here.

1. We Value Word of God

We Value the Revelation and Authority of the Word of God as the highest authority in our lives. We believe that the Bible is God’s infallible breathed words to us and is living and active today.

2. We Value the Presence of God 

Our approach to both daily living and corporate gathering is worship and devotion the Presence of God. We give our lives to pursuing the presence of God through worship, prayer and intercession as a lifestyle. 

3. We Value Souls   

We value the lost souls and our urgent call as the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) as we take the Gospel of Jesus Christ through daily evangelism, global and local missions. 

4. We Value Generosity 

As children of God, we are called to receive and release God’s abundance. We live our lives with open hands, giving the best of our time, abilities and resources with good stewardship, gratitude and excellence.  

5. We Value Family  

We value the Body of Christ as a community and furthermore, as His family. As a family, we love one another in unity and faith. We believe that through an Acts 2 community, we grow together towards the likeness of Christ. 

6. We Value Honor 

We believe that Honor is the currency of Heaven. Seeing and treating every person as Jesus would, no matter what, is the very heart of living with Honor. 

7. We Value the Supernatural Power of God 

Not only was the Demonstration of God’s power through miracles and healings a confirmation of God’s Kingdom coming through the ministry of Jesus and his disciples, but it is the inheritance of every believer today.